Monday, May 16, 2011

Trip North to Alaska!

Trip North
April 18, 2011 to April 22, 2011

I was lucky to spend an amazing transformation from the lower 48 (The "Outside"), to Alaska (The Last Frontier) with my sweet boyfriend, Dub. We left from St. Mary, Montana and traveled to Glennallen, Alaska. Here follows the transformation and journey in pictures. Thanks Dub for hangin' in there with me while we traveled 2,121 miles, and five days! We stopped in the following places along the way:

Edmonton, Alberta
Fort Nelson, British Columbia
Watson Lake, Yukon Territory
Haines Junction, Yukon Territory
Arriving in Glennallen, Alaska


 My Subbie all loaded down! A little snow and ice added for extra decoration! Including icicles from the kayak.

 Alberta farms: colorful and complete

 Mile "0" of the Alaska Highway in Dawson Creek!

 Wide open road.

 Little more mountains.

 Northern Rockies.

Cute little Caribou guy (or girl?)  

 Mountains, Mountains, Mountains!

 Amazing alluvial fan. 

Bison live naturally in the northern rockies, so cool!

 Reaching for the Sky!

 Liard Hot Springs! Too cool!

 Cooking dinner outside our digs for the night: The Air Force Lodge, and old barracks, in Watson Lake, Yukon Territory

 Out back at the Air Force Lodge

 Watson Lake's claim to fame in "The Milepost" travel guide to the Alaska Highway. I saw a "Bigfork, Montana" sign!

River's edge 

Lunch in Whitehorse...gravy for my fries and all! 

 Haines Junction view from our hotel. 

Haines Junction, Yukon Territory: A Beautiful Place

 Dall Sheep in Kluane (Clue-aw-nee) Natinal Park & Reserve (part of our World Heritage Site, with Wrangell-St. Elias NP and Preserve)

 Kluane Lake shore



Caribou crossing the road in the Mentasta Mountains. They migrate from Wrangell-St. Elias NP and Preserve north to calving grounds during the summer.

 My daily skyline: L to R: Mount Sanford, Mount Drum, and Mount Wrangell

 A good description of the peaks

Dub at Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve entrance sign. 
We made it!

I promise I'll try to update some pictures every once in a while. I will be a bit out of touch for the summer: limited internet and phone coverage, so if you don't get ahold of me, just have some patience. 

Happy Summer (almost)!!!